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How to Enable POP3 in the Yahoo! Mail

How to Enable POP3 in the Yahoo! Mail

In my previous post on How to Setup Yahoo! Mail in Outlook 2007 i wrote that " If you are getting “Enter Network Password” error, please make sure that you have POP3 enabled in your Yahoo! Mail option! "

This post is about How to Enable POP3 in the Yahoo! Mail. In New Yahoo! Mail many changes in the interface has been made. Luckily, the method still works! Here is the guide with screen shots of New Yahoo! Mail.

1. First, login into your Yahoo! Mail account.
2. Then click on Options and select Mail Options. In the Mail Options menu, click on POP & Forwarding. You’ll see that you need to upgrade to Yahoo! Plus to get the POP and forwarding option.

Click To Enlarge

3. Click on your username, and select Account.

Click To Enlarge
4. In the Account Info page, go to the Account Settings section and click on Set language, site, time zone.

Click To Enlarge

5. Next, select a Regional Site and Language and Time Zone. Select Yahoo! Asia and change the time zone to China (just to be safe). Then click I Accept.

Click To Enlarge

6. Once you finish, logout from your Yahoo! account and close all browser windows. Reopen your browser, and login into Yahoo! Mail.
7. Go back to the Mail Options page (refer to step 2) and click on POP & Forwarding. Now you’ll see that you have the POP & Forwarding option enabled! Remember to select “Allow your Yahoo! Mail to be POPed” and save the changes!

Click To Enlarge

8. Voila! Now you can use POP3 with your Yahoo! Mail account! The settings for the POP3 are as below:-

Incoming Mail Server (POP3): (Use SSL, port: 995)
 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): (Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication)
 Account Name/Username: <Your Yahoo! Mail address>
 Email address: <Your Yahoo! Mail address>
 Password: <Your Yahoo! Mail password>

Follow my guide here on how to setup Yahoo mail in Microsoft Outlook 2007!
Remember to check this guide too before using the POP3 in Outlook.
The screen might change from time to time, so the screen shot here might not be the same by the time you are reading this. And I can’t guarantee that this will work for everyone.!

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