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How to fix Skype Crash Bug

How to fix Skype Crash Bug
Many users are yet to overcome the problem caused by a bug which lead to crash iphones, a similar new bug has been found.
This time its skype!
Those Users who receive a message containing “http://:” are unable to open Skype and the app instantly crashes after opening on iOS, Android & Windows devices.
A temporary solution I found is like this…
Ask the person who sent you the message to delete it and then reinstall an older version of the app, which is only possible on Windows wink emoticon
Don’t try to send this bug to others, it may crash ur own app. 

1 comment:

  1. HI, I'm very glad that I could help you ! Visit :- Skype Support Also Call +1-800-231-4635 USA (Toll Free).


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